Some 'Terrestrial' and 'Celestial' Issues Encountered in Dowsing 'Old World' Historical Sites

Table of contents

1. Introduction

n the following text I've pulled together some observations on the effects of celestial and ground energies I have run into while dowsing in Italy. But this 'Old World' perspective comes from a Canadian who has been resident in Italy for almost 40 years.

I discuss dowsing the influences of ground and sky energy, following a hypothesis often used by those sensitive to paranormal phenomena. That is that potentially, humans have access to much more information about their environment than is available to the conscious mind, and that dowsing without equipment is also an option. In fact, it is necessary to go outside the usual boundaries of dowsing to make some important points. For example, Figure 1 suggested by Long (1948), should be borne in mind as my guiding hypothesis:

Fig. 1: A cartoon illustrating the Huna vision of Long (1948) that the mind exists as three largely independent entities. The subconscious (lower face) stores past inputs from the senses and environment. The superconscious (envisaged by some as a Janus-faced, male-female beneficial entity or guardian angel), has access to higher Gaian or cosmic information sources. It may pass information from there to the subconscious, but not directly to the conscious mind. This higher source is accessed occasionally by the conscious mind in dreams, meditations or inspirations. (Caddy 2013).

It is worth asking the subconscious mind 'his/ her' opinion on events that are affecting the subjective or conscious mind. In my case, having spent the recent pandemic alone, and since I became a widower last year, I've come to appreciate the viewpoint of my subconscious. No doubt some would describe this as a mental aberration but I now have 'conversations' with my subconscious, whom I address as 'Frederick'. His answers to my questions, when they come, often later, appear as spontaneous thoughts or in dreams, and have proven their worth in practice.

The assertions of the ancient Hawaiian shamans, the Huna, that we each have 3 independent minds is borne out by my own experience. The body and stores all that we forget, and a superconscious mind, may all be at work in dowsing. This last entity, sometimes called our guardian angel, informs us on occasions of mysterious data and events, but does so via the subconscious mind. It usually reaches us through dreams, by answering dowsed questions, or if we are very intuitive, through what is now called distant viewing (see, e.g., the work of the pioneer Ingo Swann).

The results in my paper on dowsing the bodies in the Solar System (Caddy 2020) suggest that a close linkage exists between mental and astronomical phenomena. Information is available to the subconscious, either hard-wired, and coming from an extra-cerebellar, cosmic source such as David Bohm's 'Implicate Order', or through paranormal perceptions of the superconscious. In any case, it is unavailable to the conscious mind directly, and this is almost certainly where the information for my last paper (Caddy 2020) came from.

New conceptions can be drawn from a combination of physical data points even without any paranormal information. Thus Fig 2 modified from my book, 'A Return to Subjectivity', illustrates a logical deduction: that the solar system, located on the Orion Arm some 26,000 Astronomical Units from the galaxy's center, is being drawn on a high velocity spiral course to where the giant Black Hole of our galaxy resides. This is surrounded by an even greater mass of invisible 'Dark Matter', which according to modern astronomers is more abundant, hence more powerful than 'ordinary' matter in exerting the gravitational attraction responsible for the spiral form of our galaxy.

Together, these two motive forces of our galaxy, the Black Hole and an enormous but invisible cloud of Dark Matter, are obscured by the millions of stars between us and 'Them'. A first foto published recently of our Black Hole (see CNN 2020) was obtained by piecing together thousands of individual photos of the center of the Milky Way. Because of the appalling gravitational attraction between 'Them' and 'Us' (the residents of the The Solar System), as well as the myriad other suns in the Milky Way, we are all accelerating at high velocity. Fig. 2: The fact that our solar system is being drawn by gravity along a spiral arm towards the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, is the reason why the planets and of course the Earth, are tracing spiral paths around our fast-moving sun.

Due to the enormous gravitational forces involved, we are not moving in straight lines, but accelerating in spiral trajectories around the galactic centre. (Fortunately, due to our infinitesimally short human lifetimes compared with these cosmic events, the arrival of the solar system at the center of the galaxy is so far in the distant future for our species as to not give any reason for preoccupation!)

Going back to Fig 1, a spiral high speed configuration of planetary orbits (illustrated here by the Earth and its Moon) upgrades the static elliptical orbits of the planets around the sun postulated by Galileo. So far as I know, this concept of a spiral dynamic imposed on the elliptical orbit of the Earth around the sun, hadn't been commented on by astronomers when I wrote the book cited above. This is a consequence of the recent knowledge of the high velocity (160,000 km/hr) at which the solar system is believed to be travelling along the Orion Arm of the galaxy. It is interesting that in addition to the spiral path of the planets around our rapidly-moving sun, the solar system itself, over the long term, has been described as tracing a similar path along our spiral arm of the Milky Way. (See:

Taken together, these spiral phenomena must inevitably promote 'harmonic resonance' at all scales of magnification, and this should be perceptible by dowsing. The abundant spirals engraved on Stone Age monuments imply that our distant ancestors (Figs 3 and 5) had already recognized the spiral as an all-important magical symbol, but its not clear which real spirals they were aware of. 'Physiological' spirals are embedded in our energy bodies and called 'chakras': (See Motoyama 1981 for a readable description of chakras). Spirals are also embedded in the walls of the tunnels passed through in shamanic voyaging, and these seem to provide an 'inside view' while exiting our body through a chakra.

Volume XXI Issue I Version I Fig. 3: A scene inside an underground cave in Sardinia, that apparently was used for shamanic ceremonies in the Stone Age. The three-dimensional configuration, with 'ribs' in the roof, a 'collar bone' separating the'head end' from the 'chest cavity', and the presence of chakras in the walls, all complete the resemblance of this cavern to a buried human being. Similar buried 'Earth Goddesses' from the same Age are found in Ireland.

My recent commentary on spiral phenomena ) mentioned an exciting newly-discovered cavern in Sardinia with my water colour illustrations from photos taken inside it by its discoverers before the chamber was resealed (Fig 3). This cavern is shaped in the form of a reclining female body, with spirals on the walls and the 'head end', marking its chakras. Its wall paintings convinced me that the ancient priesthood on this island were psychics, and used this cavern and its wall chakras, not only for ceremonies, but probably also for distant communications.

As illustrated by Fig 4, the high velocity of the solar system travelling through interstellar space creates a so-called 'Termination shock' in front of its trajectory. What is the difference in the characteristics of space within and outside the termination shock boundary? (Fig 4). This is not clearly spelled out, and may be unknown, since only recently did one of the early US satellites enter unmodified the interstellar medium. However, I suppose the area within the outer blue line must symbolize the practical limit of the sun's energy field?


2. The Significance of Spirals

That the spiral was a symbol of paramount importance at different levels of magnification was recognized by our distant ancestors who engraved spirals on their ancient Stone Age monuments, and there are accounts (see Robert Graves 1961) that the ancient peoples referred to death as 'travelling to spiral castle' (see Fig 5). Could it be that the 'spiral castle' is a parallel dimension occupied by the deceased, and the spiral the spiritual equivalent of the 'wormholes' often referred to in discussions of how extraterrestrial vehicles arrive here from distant stars or galaxies? From our perspective, we often smugly assume ancient peoples were ignorant of cosmic realities: -But what if they had been informed of these realities, either by 'visitors' to our planet, by native ESP or by dowsing, and it is ourselves who are ignorant in our smug materialism? Recent research has extended the significance of the spiral as a universal generalization with the discovery of DNA (Table 1). One might even suggest that the spiral symbolizes a movement of our perception from here and now, to another time/space scale or dimension, and this table shows Chakras are linked to the adjacent nervous system, and are believed to be the routes for linkages between the organs of the body and their environment, and are the routes of spiritual and energetic voyaging of the mind. The Atmosphere Oceans and land masses generate powerful gyres

The curved trajectories of the wind combined with heated air rising, leads to massive spiral flows -'twisters' and hurricanes. Planetary

The planets circulate the sun which is travelling at a high velocity through the cosmos.

The elliptic orbits of the planets result from the high velocity of the sun and solar system along our spiral arm of the galaxy, and result in spiral planetary trajectories (Fig 1).

3. Galactic

The spiral organization of the Milky Way leaves the solar system on a relatively distant arm, which over the long term, rotates around the galactic center.

Radiation from the galactic center is diffused and supplemented by radiation and particle showers from millions of solar bodies.

Long-term climatic changes will also occur when clouds of interstellar dust intercept the sun's trajectory.

In dowsing we are delegating the task of 'Viewing' to our subconscious, by analogy to the the same way that the Huna believed in the role of the superconscious. This can be expressed in the following diagram: Fig. 6: The location of information in the subconscious mind by dowsing is initiated by a question from the conscious mind: asking (1) for a reading on the phenomenon being dowsed. Having located this information in its memory (2) or by inputs from the superconscious mind (3), the conscious mind switches to counting (4). The subconscious blocks further rotations when the appropriate number has been reached. This illustration also allows for the possibility envisaged under the Huna philosophy, that the superconscious may provide information via the subconscious. (from Caddy 2013).

In pranic theory, the highest chakra is the point of entry of messages from the superconscious. The purple in colour, while psychic energy transmissions from the lower chakras range downwards in color from blue, green, yellow to red, as shown in Fig 7 . Around 7-8 rotations (black) correspond to a neutral emotional state and is the score you get when dowsing without asking a question. Here, scientific deductions can be performed without incoming inspirations complicating the procedure; hence we can call this neutral energy zone the 'Band of Rationality'. Fig. 7: Colour bands used in pranic healing to represent energy levels and positive or inspirational neutral (i.e., 'the band of rationality'), or negative scores from rotational dowsing. (The Bovis Unit is set at 1000 units per rotation).

4. III. Diurnal Cycles of Ground Energy

In 2011 I decided to carry out a series of dowsings of sky and ground energies at time intervals over several consecutive 24 hours, outside my house (Caddy and Elner 2015), while my colleague in Vancouver recorded intense energy events which showed up as a green film over the furniture (Bob Elner) during night time observations, and as green particles exiting from floor and walls, and intensive tinnitus episodes (me). Observed more closely, these particles assumed geometric and biological forms; (e.g. the adjacent figure). This kind of visual experience (which unfortunately no longer occurs for me at age 80!), reminds me that the ancient Celtic belief was that paradise was located underground by visions below lakes and mountains. This is consistent with the engravings of early Sards with their forked sticks seeking underground sources of water. (Almost all ancient stone age edifices found in Sardinia lie above an underground water source: this is the reason why Mauro Aresu a prominent local dowser, is often referred to locally as the 'Archaeologist', having found archaeological structures at sites dowsed in his search for underground water 'domes'). In Memories, Dreams, and Reflections, Carl Jung reflected on his visit to Mount Elgon in Kenya in 1925: "The sunrise in these latitudes was a phenomenon that overwhelmed me anew every day? at first, the contrast between light and darkness would be extremely sharp?.gradually the swelling light seemed to penetrate into the very structure of objects, which became illuminated from within until at last they shone translucently, like bits of colored glass?. I felt as if I were inside a temple. It's likewise incredibly easy to forget just why the sunrise was considered such a sacred moment and experience for ancient peoples...It was the most sacred hour of the day. The moment in which light comes is God. For many ancient cultureswhile the sun itself was considered divine -it was primarily the moment of the sun rising in the East each day (releasing us from the darkness of the night) that was set apart as being most sacred. Near my observation point was a high cliff inhabited by baboons. Like me, they seem to be waiting for the sunrise". IV.

5. Ground and Sky Energies

Early civilizations (Indian, Incan, Chinese and certainly others) recognized two forms of prana or qi energy, using different terminologies to effectively describe ground and sky energy. Ground energy forms a stratum of ley lines within and over the Earth's surface, that is more evident and denser in damp forests, and expands above ground during the night. Sky energy radiates down onto the Earth, presumably from celestial bodies, while ground energy is a carrier wave which stores and communicates information on events within the planetary ecosystem, and collectively is often referred to as Gaia, our planetary entity.

I was involved years ago in the above dowsing exercise (Fig 11) in one of those enigmatic locations north of Rome dominated by the Etruscans before the age of Rome, and the following illustrates an Etruscan interpretation of ground and sky energies. Rarelymentioned megastructures left by this early civilisation are the 'quarry ways' of Etruscan origin found in Tuscany. Quarry ways are rifts cut in the walls of canyons, 10-25m deep, 1-2 m wide but often more than 100m long, excavated by removing thousands of tons of rock. According to Giovanni Feo, these megaoperations were probably intended to form belowground processional tracks for torchlight ceremonies. (Their use for other more practical purposes is not too obvious, given their limited width and their location, except perhaps for access to the river).

Heading along a stream bed leading away from the country town of Barbarano Romano, we intercepted the quarry cut as a narrow fissure in the soft tufa rock (Fig 10) that leads up to the ridge the town lies upon. At its lowest starting point is a shallow cave cut into the rock with a spiral engraved under it (Fig 10) which must imply a religious function for the path. Taking readings of sky and ground energies at intervals along the fissure, we found that ground energies reached a maximum along the deepest part of the artificial 'mini-canyon'. At this point its walls were marked by unknown symbols (shown in Fig 11).

I hazard a guess that from what we know about Etruscan culture, that this could have been their way of encountering their ancestors. According to ancient beliefs, these occupy a below-ground 'Hades' similar to the Greek underground afterlife location we know by that name.

Fig 11 shows the trail we followed, and the ground and sky energies I dowsed along it. Ground energy was dominant in the quarry way, and later a high level of sky energy was encountered on the plateau. Ceremonial symbols cut in the walls of the deepest part suggested a ceremonial function. As D.H. Lawrence wrote of them: "To the Etruscans all Fig 12 is also consistent with the solar system being under the influence of the galaxy and the center of the Milky Way, possibly in more ways than through gravitational attraction. It is suggested that the side of our planet facing the Milky Way receives 'sky energy', and at night this displaces heavy 'ground energy' which emerges from below the ground over the dark side of the planet. Indian mythologies and Inca traditions, speak of the routes followed by heavy energy under the Earth and how we interact with it. was alive, the whole Universe lived; and the business of man was to live amid it all". More explicit evidence of a belief in a belowground afterlife is provided by the dolmens left by the ancient Sards after death of a chietain or priest; these show engravings of their 'energy body' heading downwards into the earth.

While past events result in variations in local dowsed scores of ground energy, there seems evidence that major human events also affect the energy field of the Earth following catastrophies or global celebrations. For example, Roger Nelson found that pronounced anomalies in the output of random number generators world-wide, reflect tragic events perceived by millions of people when informed of them through televised news media. Examples resulting in pronounced temporal anomalies, were the assassination of Princess Diane in London, and the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York. V. Dowsing the Black Hole in the Milky Way using My Tinnitus Condition I'll conclude this very personal essay by referring to another study I presented to the European chapter of the Scientific Investigation Society . I had been experiencing regular episodes of intensive tinnitus 3 or 4 times nightly. When followed up systematically for several months between April and October 2012-2014, these were found statistically to anticipate by 4 minutes their times of occurence the previous night. As noted by Spottiswoode, when an event consistently moves forward by 4 minutes nightly, it is evidence that the causal phenomenon is occurring outside the solar system, and is linked to cosmic and not Earth time.

The only sensory change I could identify came from a cranial operation in 2010 that left a burr hole open on the right side of my skull. This problem has diminished recently, probably due to regrowth of bone across the 'trepanned' hole. It was noteworthy that in those months when this nightly 'noise pollution' was absent, we were in the Northern Hemisphere winter when the Milky Way was below the horizon. If this surgical operation increased my sensitivity to radiation, perhaps this is why Neolithic shamans were frequently subject to trepanning to increase their sensitivity to radiation sources and to register their seasonal timing. Sceptical? As noted in the October 2002 issue of 'Skeptic' written by Michael Shermer in 'Science': "It is in the interstices between science and pseudoscience the next great revolution may arise"-hence skeptics should not be too severe on me -intuition based on observation is indispensible to discovery!

Figure 1.
' and 'Celestial' Issues Encountered in Dowsing 'Old World' Historical Sites
Figure 2.
' and 'Celestial' Issues Encountered in Dowsing 'Old World' Historical Sites
Figure 3. Fig. 5 :
5Fig. 5: An 'Altar' at an ancient temple with spiral engravings (from at least 6000 BC) located on Malta.
Figure 4. Fig. 4 :
4Fig. 4: One of the phenomena referred to by astronomers as the 'Termination Shock', can be imagined as where the solar system (inside the red circle), is making a 'bow wave'as it enters interstellar space (Figure redrawn from several original designs found on the Web under 'Termination Shock').
Figure 5. Year 2021 DFig. 9 :Fig. 8 :
202198Fig. 9: Cross-section through my garden, showing the water table and adjacent creek, and at around dawn the 'invasion' by a mist of green particles (From Caddy and Elner 2015).
Figure 6. Fig. 10 :
10Fig. 10: View up through the 'quarry way' at Barbarano Romano, Tuscany, and the spiral at the start of 'the Way'.
Figure 7. Fig. 11 :
11Fig. 11: (Above) The trail followed along the river from the town and up through the quarry way at Barbarano Romano, (and below) estimating sky and ground energy at points along the trail.
Figure 8.
' and 'Celestial' Issues Encountered in Dowsing 'Old World' Historical Sites
Figure 9. D
Some 'Terrestrial' and 'Celestial' Issues Encountered in Dowsing 'Old World' Historical Sites
Figure 10. Fig. 12 :
12Fig. 12: Suggested configuration of light pranic (sky) energy and ground energy around the Earth over a 24 hr period, in relationship to the direction of movement of the sun while it is spiralling around the Milky Way (From Caddy and Elner 2015).
Figure 11.
Figure 12.
Figure 13.
Figure 14. Table 1 :
Scale of magnification The Spiral Phenomenon Significance/Realizations
Microscopic DNA is in the form of a twin spiral of Genetic storage and cross-combination of male and female
genes within the chromosomes gametes containing their DNA spirals, activate the genes which
express the bodily characteristics.
'Down the Spirals occur in water going down the Spirals go down clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on
plug'ole sink which hemisphere of the Earth your bathroom occupies!
The human Seven chakras are vertically distributed
body in the human body and have a spiral

Appendix A

  1. The Fractal geometry of Nature, B B Mandelbrot . 1977. W.H. Freeman and Co.
  2. This is the first photo of a black hole. Cnn . Space Science 2019. April 2019.
  3. Remote Viewing, Courtney Brown . 2006. Atlanta: Farsight Press.
  4. Directed panspermia. F Crick , H Orgel , LE . Icarus 1973. 19 (3) p. .
  5. Le vie cave Etrusche. Laurum Editrice, Giovanni Feo . 2004. Pitigliano, Italy.
  6. Theories of the chakras. Quest books, Hiroshi Motoyama . 1981. 293.
  7. Everybody's guide to natural ESP. Swann-Ryder Productions LLC, Ingo Swann . 1991.
  8. James Lovelock . Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, (Oxford Landmark Science
    ) 2016.
  9. A Return to Subjectivity, J F Caddy . 2007. Trafford Press.
  10. The Huna philosophy and objective observations. J F Caddy . Syntropy 2012. 2013 (2) .
  11. The Huna Philosophy and 'Objective Observations'. Sintropia, J F Caddy . 2013. p. 19.
  12. Night time pulses of ground energy associated with a celestial source: a comparison with observations from locations in Italy and Canada. J F Caddy , R W Elner . Global Journal of Science Frontier Research 2015. 15 (5) .
  13. Did the Spiral Engravings in the Rock Art of our Distant Ancestors Portray Chakras?. J F Caddy . Global J 2016. Human Social Science.
  14. Did the Spiral Engravings in the Rock Art of our Distant Ancestors Portray Chakras?, J F Caddy . 2016. Global J. Human Social Science.
  15. What my tinnitus tries to tell me about the Milky Way. J F Caddy . IOSR Journal of Environmental Science Ver. II (ed.) 2016. July 2016. IOSR-JESTFT. 10 (7) . (Toxicology and Food Technology)
  16. From shamanism to the space age: reconciling with ancient beliefs may prepare us for Contact. J F Caddy . IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 2017. April 2017. 22 (4) p. .
  17. Did extraterrestrials bring us to intelligence on our planet, J F Caddy . 2019. Xlibris Publications. 123.
  18. Dowsing the 'Vital Energy' of the Planets and Their Moons, J F Caddy . 2020. (Report to the American Society of Dowsers)
  19. Uomoterra: testimonianza di Energia ritrovata. Mauro Aresu . Ago e Filo 1995.
  20. M F Long . The Secret Science behind Miracles, 1948 -reissued 2009. Wildside Press. 250.
  21. The White Goddess, R Graves . 1961. Faber and Faber.
  22. The science of collective consciousness, R Nelson . (Coordinator of the collective consciousness project)
  23. , Spottiswoode . 2016.
  24. The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries, W Y Evans Wentz . 1911. Guernsey Press Co. 524.
© 2021 Global Journals Volume XXI Issue I Version I 14 ( )
Some 'Terrestrial' and 'Celestial' Issues Encountered in Dowsing 'Old World' Historical Sites
Date: 2021-07-15